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Life in Estonia Magazine covers all Estonian walks of life – from business and innovation to culture, design and tourism. The magazine focuses on in-depth coverage rather than short news value and is directed to all readers who want to get a feel of the agile Nordic country.
While we are always ready to listen to any feedback you may have, filling out the feedback form and participating in an interview is the best way to make your opinion heard.
To find the latest and earlier issues of the magazine, click here.
Should you wish to receive a printed copy of the magazine for free, please get in touch via e-mail [email protected].
Good question! You can win tickets to Estonia’s flagship startup and tech event Latitude59 (May 22-24, 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia) by sharing your feedback and your contacts with us. We will randomly choose three lucky winners from those answering “Yes” to the question “Would you be up to an additional feedback interview?” and providing us with their contact details.