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Estonia ranks high in the UN E-Government Survey

Estonia's digital prowess shines again! The country is ranked second in the UN's 2024 E-Government Survey, and Tallinn snags a top spot globally.

For many years now, Estonia has been famous as one of the most capable digital countries, enabling its citizens and entrepreneurs from all over the globe to ditch traditional bureaucracy in favour of a fully digital government. This year, the country has once again cemented its position as a global leader in e-gov practices, ranking second in the United Nations’ 2024 E-Government Survey.

This comprehensive assessment, which evaluates the digital government landscape across all 193 UN Member States, places Estonia just behind Denmark in its E-Government Development Index (EGDI). It’s followed by Singapore, Iceland, and the Republic of Korea. What’s even more impressive is that the Estonian capital city of Tallinn has been ranked first, providing nearly 93 per cent of the features assessed online.

According to the survey, Estonia achieved an impressive EGDI score of 0.9727 out of 1.0, up from 0.9393 in 2022. Global competition is increasing, but most places are still years behind, with the average EGDI value rising from 0.6102 in 2022 to 0.6382 in 2024.

Estonia, as noted by the authors, has been a pioneer in e-government since the early 2000s, with initiatives such as digital identity cards, e-voting, and the X-Road data exchange platform. The current rank rests on three pillar technologies and achievements:

  • Digital Identity: Every Estonian citizen has a digital ID, enabling secure online authentication and digital signatures.
  • X-Road: A decentralized data exchange platform that allows various public and private sector databases to link up and operate in harmony.
  • E-services: 99% of public services are available online 24/7.
  • E-Residency: A program allowing non-Estonians to access Estonia’s e-services, effectively creating a borderless digital nation.

Estonia’s success in e-government has implications beyond public service efficiency. The country has become a hub for digital innovation, attracting tech startups and fostering a digital-friendly business environment. The e-Business Register, a platform that facilitates public data availability, was especially highlighted in this regard.

Another important note is European cooperation—among other leaders, Estonia has been particularly committed to adopting and implementing the European Commission’s digital strategy and has effectively used the European budget for national and cross-border digital initiatives. With a plan to migrate all public services online, Estonia might soon take the first spot from its Nordic neighbour.

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