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Programme announced for the high-level e-Health conference taking place in Estonia

The Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, HIMSS Europe, and the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) have announced the programme for the high-level conference ‘Health in the Digital Society and the Digital Society for Health’ (#ehealthtallinn) taking place on 16-18 October in Tallinn, Estonia.

The eHealth Tallinn 2017 conference will offer a number of sessions, including: better access to people’s personal health data and control over its use, the cross-border free movement of health data, its use in research and development activities, as well as creating the conditions for a digital single market in the field of healthcare.

The conference will focus on three primary tracks:

Citizen, Professional, Society’ will focus on the impact that a digital transformation of healthcare systems could have on society as a whole, from the perspective of users or professionals – and vice-versa. It will also examine what a European digital society expects from its healthcare systems in the 21st century.

Digital Infrastructure, Data & Technology’ will showcase the most advanced technologies of today, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, blockchains, virtual reality, etc., and their benefits for health and social care. Success stories will explain the essential factors of good implementation.

The Enabling Environment’ will provide an opportunity for discussions around enablers, the context and measures that allow the Digital Health Society (DHS) to grow in Europe.

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