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Even culture going digital: Tonight Estonia will celebrate the end of the emergency situation with concert of the world’s largest digital choir

Today at 6:45 PM Estonian time, the world's largest virtual choir will gather at Tallinn Song Festival Grounds to celebrate the end of the emergency situation caused by the spread of COVID-19 in Estonia.

More thant 2,500 singers will sing Alo Matiisen’s “Isamaa ilu hoieldes”, one of the most important songs from Estonia’s Singing Revolution (the bloodless freedom fight from the Soviet Union) that is often sung at Estonia’s Song Festivals (large scale singing festivals often bringing together 1,000+ choirs). The virtual choir is made possible – at least in part – by the lack of air traffic during the emergency situation: 1,000 iPads that will be used to create a virtual choir, have been borrowed from the airplanes of Estonia’s national carrier Nordica.

The event can be watched live online here. In addidion, it is possible to visit the Song Festival Grounds in person, using a vehicle – you will have to stay in the car during the concert.

The emergency situation has moved tens of cultural events in Estonia online: some of the country’s most celebrated singers have given concerts from their homes or small studios across the country, stand-up comedians have moved their shows online, theatre performances have moved to the internet. In addition, the recent weeks have brought of along tens of concerts where visitors can watch bands live from their cars.

In addition, the government has introduced measures to support cultural organisations hit hardest by the economic effects of COVID-19.

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