“The reason and roots of why Microsoft is here, is naturally purchasing Skype but this happened already eight years ago. Quite a lot of time has passed but we are still here,” Van Vliet told tech portal Geenius.ee.
According to VP Van Vliet, Microsoft is not using locations to optimize costs but is going to places where unique talent can be found. “If we wish to create unique means for intelligent communication, what could be a better place than the birth place of Skype?” he asked.
“We will continue investing into the resources and talents that we have here. It is a lot more than just Skype that we are currently doing here.”
According to the Head of Microsoft Estonia’s R&D center Tanel Erm, in addition to Skype such solutions as Microsoft’s fraud detection system keeping bots away from its communication products, have been developed in Estonia.
There are currently about 300 people working in Microsoft Estonia’s R&D center and the number is growing.
Recently, the big logo of Skype on what was known as the Skype House in Tallinn was changed for a Microsoft one.