Estonian-Norwegian Offshore Wind Collaboration 2021 was hosted by the Estonian Investment Agency in close collaboration with the Norwegian Embassy in Estonia, Norwegian Energy Partners, and Estonian Wind Power Association. The discussions focused on efforts to transition to green energy sources and carbon neutrality, benefits of onshore and offshore wind parks, as well as possible future joint ventures between Estonia and Norway.
The webinar was opened by Ms Else Berit Eikeland, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to the Republic of Estonia, and Mr Lauri Bambus, the Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to the Kingdom of Norway. 2021 marks a century of diplomatic relations between the two countries and both ambassadors were hopeful about the future collaborations to promote a greener future.
Mr Andres Sutt, Minister of Foreign Trade and Information Technology in Estonia and Ms Tina Bru, The Minister of Petroleum and Energy in Norway also agreed that the key to success is in collaboration and finding common grounds.
Mr Timo Tatar, Deputy Secretary-General for Energy of the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication gave a summary of the ambitious plans Estonia has for the future:
+ Achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and speeding up the green energy transition and renewable energy production;
+ Discontinuing the production of oil shale for electricity by 2035, and also stopping producing oil by 2040 at the latest;
+ Shifting the entire energy consumption of Estonian public to renewable energy;
+ Aiming at greenhouse gas reduction by 70% by 2030.
Additionally, Mr Aavo Kärmas, Chairman of the Board of the Estonian Wind Power Association outlined challenges and opportunities in the renewable energy sector.
Case studies were presented by companies such as Saare Wind Energy, Utilitas, Port of Tallinn, Equinor, Kongstein GmbH, Tampnet AS, Origo Solutions AS. The presentations were followed by a meaningful panel discussion where it was agreed that for a change to happen it is necessary to enter into the collaboration space faster. Invest Estonia looks forward to the successful joint ventures between Estonia and Norway.
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