During the business visit, Norwegian company Aker Offshore Wind representatives handed over the company’s application personally to Estonia’s Prime Minister to initiate a seabed permit process for building an offshore wind farm.
Merike Kaesveld, Invest Estonia’s Director of Business Development in Norway, hopes that Aker Offshore Wind’s great initiative is a beautiful start for another fruitful cooperation between Estonia and Norway.
With green transition in mind, the visit focused on renewable energy and innovative technologies. During the visit, the Estonian-Norwegian Energy Cooperation Meeting took place, bringing together leading companies from both countries. The opportunities in innovation cooperation in the offshore industry were discussed by Aker Offshore Wind, Equinor and Aker Solutions from Norway, and by Saare Wind Energy, Sunly and the Estonian Wind Power Association from the Estonian side. In the hydrogen-themed session, the challenges in the production and logistics were discussed by NEL, Aker Clean Hydrogen, TechnipFMC, H2Carrier, Hystar, Stargate Hydrogen, Skeleton Technologies and the Estonian Hydrogen Cluster.
Estonian business delegation involved representatives of Saare Wind Energy, Sunly, Estonian Wind Association, Stargate Hydrogen, Skeleton Technologies, Estonian Hydrogen Cluster, BLRT Grupp/Marketex Offshore Constructions, Estiko Energy, Fusebox, Gridio, Inspirators!, Pohla & Hallmägi, Operail, PowerUP Energy Technologies, Roofit Solar, TS Shipping, and Harju County Development Concultancy. Business delegation was headed by the Chairman of the Board of Estonian Business and Innovation Agency Lauri Lugna.
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